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High current testing device HCTD-3M (3kA)

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Maximum RMS output current (230 V supply voltage) 3kA

Maximum output voltage 7V

Measuring range of test current duration 50 ms – 990 ms; 1 s – 7200 s

Maximum operating time at maximum output current 10s

High-current testing device HCTD-3M is designed to test the ampere-second characteristics of circuit breakers (AC current, 50 Hz frequency up to 3 kA).

Device allows registering the output current and timing of automatic circuit breaker switch interval.

Besides, the device may be used as adjustable AC current source, up to 3 kA – for power circuits with low impedance.

High Current Test Device HCTD-3M ensures short duration of output through typical circuit breaker when instantaneous trip element must be tested.

Sufficient current is available for testing the time delay characteristics of motor overload relays and circuit breakers.

Intuitive control ensures easy operation the test.

Sensing leads, which operate on either normally-open or normally-closed devices, are connected to test object auxiliary contacts or open breaker pole. Output current level can be easily preset.
When the output is initiated, preset output current locks on and the timer starts. When test kit senses the change in state of the test object auxiliary contacts (NO to NC or NC to NO), the current shuts off and the timer stops.

High current device HCTD-10M can be used as a universal current source up to 3kA.


Rental time Rental price
1 day 80 Euro -
1 week 400 Euro -
1 month 1440 Euro -

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